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Celebrating our third anniversary with a brand-new branding

03 Jan 2023

Can you believe that 2022 already marks the third anniversary of Peace of Meat? It seems like only yes­ter­day that we embarked on this incred­ible jour­ney. But we’re also very proud to look back and see how far we’ve come since then.

This year, we wel­comed numer­ous new col­leagues, presen­ted Peace of Meat at the Love Tomor­row Con­fer­ence, per­fec­ted our eth­ic­al vegan foie gras, organ­ized sev­er­al suc­cess­ful tast­ings, transitioned to ser­um-free media and thus came one step closer to high-volume, low-cost cul­tured meat pro­duc­tion!

Time for a total make-over

After all this pro­gress, we felt our cor­por­ate iden­tity deserved an update as well. We teamed up with Made design & innov­a­tion agency to do a full rebrand­ing: a new web­site, a new house style and even a new logo. This Decem­ber, the res­ult of weeks of hard work went live. And oh boy, to say we’re excited about it would be an under­state­ment. Fresh, fun, vibrant and happy: that’s the vibe we’re going for. Just like us! 😁

Showing our true colours

Cul­tured meat is still a bit of a mys­tery to many people. It may seem like some­thing futur­ist­ic from a sci-fi lab. Well, it’s def­in­itely futur­ist­ic, but not fic­tion: it’s the meat of tomor­row! That’s why our new brand­ing had to be appeal­ing and access­ible to every­one. No com­plex graphs or sci­entif­ic ter­min­o­logy. We make meat you’ll love to eat and want our brand­ing to reflect this. Hence, our choice for fun design, tasty pic­tures, plain lan­guage and happy col­ours.

Fun, innovative and enthusiastic – just like you

We’re very hon­oured that so many excep­tion­al people want to work with and for us. Cur­rently, we have no less than 18 dif­fer­ent nation­al­it­ies rep­res­en­ted in our team. But we have big plans, so we’re always look­ing for new col­leagues and part­ners. With our new brand­ing, we aim to pos­i­tion ourselves as a fun, innov­at­ive and enthu­si­ast­ic com­pany to work with. Cause heck, we are. 😉 Does fun, vibrant and enthu­si­ast­ic also sound like you? Get in touch!

Speaking of staying in touch

Yes, we know: it’s about time we step up our social game. We’ve been so busy chan­ging the future of meat, that we haven’t had much time to spread the word. But that’s about to change. Togeth­er with our new brand­ing and web­site, we’ve also set up an Ins­tagram account and a monthly news­let­ter. Want to stay up-to-date on our research, break­throughs and most import­antly: when and where you can taste our fant­ast­ic products?

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