1. Introduction

This Cook­ie Policy was last updated on Decem­ber 8, 2022, and applies to cit­izens and leg­al per­man­ent res­id­ents of the European Eco­nom­ic Area.

Our web­site, https://​peace​-of​-meat​.com (here­in­after: the web­site”), uses cook­ies and oth­er related tech­no­lo­gies (for con­veni­ence, all tech­no­lo­gies are referred to as cook­ies”). Cook­ies are also placed by third parties we have engaged. In the doc­u­ment below, we inform you about the use of cook­ies on our web­site.

2. What are cookies?

A cook­ie is a small simple file that is sent along with pages of this web­site and stored by your browser on the hard drive of your com­puter or anoth­er device. The inform­a­tion stored therein may be returned to our serv­ers or to the serv­ers of the rel­ev­ant third parties dur­ing a sub­sequent vis­it.

3. What are scripts?

A script is a piece of pro­gram code used to make our web­site func­tion prop­erly and inter­act­ively. This code is executed on our serv­er or your device.

4. What is a web beacon?

A web beacon (or a pixel tag) is a small, invis­ible piece of text or image on a web­site used to mon­it­or traffic. In order to do this, vari­ous data about you is stored using web beacons.

5. Cookies

5.1. Technical or functional cookies

Some cook­ies ensure that cer­tain parts of the web­site work cor­rectly and that your user pref­er­ences remain known. By pla­cing func­tion­al cook­ies, we make it easi­er to vis­it our web­site. This way, you do not need to enter the same inform­a­tion repeatedly when vis­it­ing our web­site; for example, the items remain in your shop­ping cart until you have paid. We may place these cook­ies without your con­sent.

5.2 Statistics cookies

We use stat­ist­ics cook­ies to optim­ize the web­site exper­i­ence for our users. With these stat­ist­ics cook­ies, we get insights into our web­site’s usage. We ask your per­mis­sion to place stat­ist­ics cook­ies.

5.3 Advertising cookies

On this web­site we use advert­ising cook­ies, enabling us to per­son­al­ize the advert­ise­ments for you, and we (and third parties) gain insights into the cam­paign res­ults. This hap­pens based on a pro­file we cre­ate based on your click and surf­ing on and out­side https://​www​.peace​-of​-meat​.com/. With these cook­ies, you, as web­site vis­it­ors, are linked to a unique ID, so you do not see the same ad more than once.

5.4 Marketing/​Tracking cookies

Marketing/​Tracking cook­ies are cook­ies or any oth­er form of loc­al stor­age, used to cre­ate user pro­files to dis­play advert­ising or to track the user on this web­site or across sev­er­al web­sites for sim­il­ar mar­ket­ing pur­poses.

Because these cook­ies are marked as track­ing cook­ies, we ask your per­mis­sion to place these

6. Consent

When you vis­it our web­site for the first time, we will show you a pop-up with an explan­a­tion about cook­ies. As soon as you click on Save pref­er­ences,” you con­sent to us using the cat­egor­ies of cook­ies and plug-ins you selec­ted in the pop-up, as described in this Cook­ie Policy. You can dis­able the use of cook­ies via your browser, but please note that our web­site may no longer work prop­erly.

6.1 Manage your consent settings

  • Func­tion­al
  • Stat­ist­ics
  • Mar­ket­ing

7. Your rights with respect to personal data

You have the fol­low­ing rights con­cern­ing your per­son­al data:

  • You have the right to know why your per­son­al data is needed, what will hap­pen to it, and how long it will be retained.
  • Right of access: You have the right to access your per­son­al data known to us.
  • Right to rec­ti­fic­a­tion: you have the right to sup­ple­ment, cor­rect, have deleted, or blocked your per­son­al data whenev­er you wish.
  • If you give us your con­sent to pro­cess your data, you have the right to revoke that con­sent and to have your per­son­al data deleted.
  • Right to trans­fer your data: you have the right to request all your per­son­al data from the con­trol­ler and share it in its entirety with anoth­er con­trol­ler.
  • Right to object: you may object to the pro­cessing of your data. We com­ply with this unless there are jus­ti­fied grounds for pro­cessing.
  • To exer­cise these rights, please get in touch with us. Please refer to the con­tact details at the bot­tom of this Cook­ie Policy. If you have a com­plaint about hand­ling your data, we would like to hear from you. Still, you also have the right to sub­mit a com­plaint to the super­vis­ory author­ity (the Data Pro­tec­tion Author­ity).

8. Enabling/​disabling and deleting cookies

You can use your inter­net browser to auto­mat­ic­ally or manu­ally delete cook­ies. You can also spe­cify that cer­tain cook­ies may not be placed. Anoth­er option is to change your inter­net browser set­tings so that you receive a mes­sage each time a cook­ie is placed. For more inform­a­tion about these options, please refer to the instruc­tions in the Help sec­tion of your browser.
Please note that our web­site may not work cor­rectly if all cook­ies are dis­abled. If you do delete the cook­ies in your browser, they will be placed again after your con­sent when you revis­it our web­sites.

9. Contact details

For ques­tions and/​or com­ments about our Cook­ie Policy and this state­ment, please con­tact us by using the fol­low­ing con­tact details:

Peace of Meat
Web­site: https://​peace​-of​-meat​.com
Email: info@​peace-​of-​meat.​com