We are Peace of Meat

We pro­duce the meat of tomor­row: mor­al, nat­ur­al and damn deli­cious.

Our beliefs

We can make
peace with meat

  • We love meat

    Hon­estly, we love meat. It’s nutri­tious and deli­cious. From a juicy bur­ger on a sum­mer bar­be­cue, a pep­p­er­oni pizza with friends, to a com­fort­ing stew in the midst of winter.

  • More meat, less heat

    But we also want peace of mind that our steak isn’t des­troy­ing the plan­et. So we grabbed the bull by the horns and cooked up a solu­tion. Thanks to cul­tured meat, the world will enjoy all the good­ness of real meat, while drastic­ally redu­cing defor­est­a­tion, envir­on­ment­al pol­lu­tion, green­house gas emis­sions and water use.

  • A happy ending for all

    Let’s set anim­als free. With only a few stem cells from eggs, Peace of Meat can grow an end­less sup­ply of tasty, healthy meat. We don’t even have to touch a single anim­al. Cul­tured meat is the way for­ward, for the earth, anim­als, ourselves and future gen­er­a­tions.

Natural meat.
Authentic taste.
Real change.

Let’s flock together

We’ve figured out a world-chan­ging tech­no­logy to cre­ate guilt-free meat. But we can’t change the world alone. Do you feel inspired by our story? Are you work­ing with the same pur­pose or want to sup­port us in any way? We can’t wait to meat you!

Part­ner with us

The people who are saving the animals

We are an enthu­si­ast­ic, driv­en and very diverse team. We love good food and work every day to bring that good food to you.

Always looking for fresh meat

Good teamplay­ers are as scarce as a hen’s teeth. If you believe you’ve got what it takes to change the future of meat pro­duc­tion – and pos­sibly the future of the world and every­one on it – come join us. We’d love to take you under our wings.

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